Best Tips For A Greener You!

House cleaning
  • Use “Over the Counter” ready to use eco-friendly cleaners – such as, Bon Ami, Bar keeper’s friend, Murphy’s Oil soap or Mrs. Stewards Liquid Bluing
  • Utilize your bike – Riding a bike vs. driving is more than just better for your health; the transportation industry is the second largest contributor to greenhouse gas production.
  • Grab a mug, cup or bottle and take it out with you – Rather than buying a coffee with a cup, bring a mug. It saves a “one time use” cup from being thrown out.
  • Use reusable bags – FYI California alone distributes over 180 million plastic grocery bags annually.
  • Look towards buying less packaging – Most foods come in a box, in plastic, then in a wrapper, and so on. Look for foods without all the packaging that normally gets tossed away
  • Buy in bulk – Buying in bulk obviously means more food and less packaging. This also tends to save you quite a bit on your grocery bill.
  • Donate all your old clothes – think about how much space all of you old clothes would take up in landfills, not to mention how long it would take for most of it to decompose. By donating your old clothes, you not only are you reducing your waste and impact on the earth, but you are also helping out someone in need. Donate to our non-profits thrift store!
  • Read labels – Look for clothes made out of organic materials. Organic fibers break down and decompose easier than other fibers that most clothes are typically made out of. Look for clothes that are local, buying locally reduces how much energy it takes to transport the clothes from where they are produced.
  • Dress up or down for the season – If its winter and your house is cold dress warmer so you can keep the thermostat down. By not raising the thermostat you are using a lot less heat.
  • Reduce laundry – Only do laundry when you have to and be sure that you wait until you have a full load of clothes. Rather than wasting a whole load of water and electricity on a few pieces of clothes, try and save by waiting until you have more washing to do. Also re-wear (some of) your clothes, wearing a t-shirt out and back doesn’t mean it’s dirty. Try to wear your clothes a few times before you throw them in the laundry if they aren’t really in need of a wash.
  • Wash your clothes with cold water – It takes a lot of energy to heat water for the washing machine. Try and conserve a little by using the cold water setting on your washer.
  • Grow a garden – How much more local can you get than your own yard? You can’t imagine the pleasure you get from putting work into your own food, gardens are a perfect for living sustainably.
  • Fix all your leaks – A faucet leaking a slow steady drip – 100 drops per minute – wastes 350 gallons per month. A faucet leaking a small stream wastes 2,000 to 2,700 gallons of water per month
by Joanne October 1, 2022

Author: Joanne

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